Dear Ruby,
I don’t catch the ball or Frisbee. I think my Dad is embarrassed at Dog Park. He like looks down and makes an unhappy face. I just don’t like catch. The ball smells bad like underarms and cat pee. I don’t want it in my mouth. I really don’t get what the deal is. Dad gets all disappointed, like I’m a bad dog. I am not a bad dog.
I want him to play chase. That’s my game. He chases me, I chase him. We roll around on the grass. How can I get him to play good games? Help me please. Thanks Tanker
Dear Tanker,
Sorry your Dad is a dopey sport hound. He probably wasn’t good at Little League and wants to show the guys he can throw. You will be a hero and make him happy if you just pick it up 2 or 3 times. Try rolling it on the grass and it won’t smell bad. Practice those “I love you” looks to clean up on treats. Teaching him how to roll in the grass takes time. Good luck, let me know how it’s going Dog!
Ruby, I think you're the smartest dog on the planet. Where did you go to school?
Your human cousin, Don
Dear Cousin Don,
Just hearing your name brings up so many fond smells. I appreciate your comment "smartest dog on the planet". I am always suprised when dogs see me as just another beautiful, but small brained female dog. There is more to this chick than cute curly fur and a fabulous tail. I went to Pet Smart for my formal training. I did so well and was so popular they asked me to take the class twice. It had a book with pictures too. I also have graduated from the Delta Society as a Pet Partner with Paws 4 Healing. I now give assistance to all the newbie dogs that are trying to pass the test and get certified. I show them what to do. The people who brought their dogs for the test are really nervous so I lick them.
Don, keep that in mind if there are people at your business that are going through training. There is nothing more soothing, that says "you're okay!" than some good, well placed licks. Gotta sleep bye. You do smell wonderful.
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