3DogArt Blog

Joyful Stories ~ Wagging Tails ~ Doggie Wisdom

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

ASK Ruby

Dear Ruby,

I’m a 4 year old Rottie, with lots of “good boy” energy. We had a party at our house for Easter and it was not my best day. I found all the Easter Eggs before the kids found them. I ate them really fast and do you know what they do to your tummy? Well it is awful smelly. When the kids couldn’t find any eggs and I was going around tooting and making big smells from all those eggs, my mom suspected me of being a sneaky, bad dog.

Why are my people so judgmental? It’s my wolf genes. It’s not my fault! How do I get them to be reasonable and respect my wolf heritage? I appreciate your column and trust your advice. Love Sammy (I included a picture of me as a puppy. Handsome huh!)

Dear Sammy,

Four years old? Had dog training? Sure you did. Hey pal, wolves don’t eat colored Easter eggs. You have some apologies to make. When you have your family relatives over, you have to be on “Lassie Alert”. That means no bad behavior. No embarrassing your people. Never, never mess with kids’ Easter Eggs, or Birthday Cakes at parties. Want to be handsome instead of fat? Slow down Buddy!

Show some respect. When you smell the food at a party think “Lassie Alert”. What would Lassie do? Take a deep breath and kiss your guests. They will feed you stuff from the table because you are so cute, sweet, adorable-the kind of dog that gets fed by all the kids and relatives. It works dude.

Good luck Sammy, keep trim!


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